Drupal 10.1 is now available


Drupal Development The Drupal 10.1 release brings several improvements and new features.

Drupal 10.1 is a minor version (feature release) of Drupal 10 and is ready for use on production sites. It does not break backward compatibility (BC) for public APIs. However, there may be changes in internal APIs and experimental modules that could require updates to contributed and custom modules and themes.

Some of the notable features and improvements in Drupal 10.1 include:

  • Introduction of CKEditor 5, which provides a better authoring experience and more modern editing compared to CKEditor 4.
  • Modern JavaScript components to replace some uses of jQuery.
  • Symfony 6 is used under the hood, replacing Symfony 4. Additionally, PHP 8.1 is required for security reasons.
  • New APIs for retrieving menus configured in Drupal using the Linkset standard.
  • Various CKEditor improvements, including an autoformat feature.
  • A unified entity revision editing experience, making it easier to manage prior versions of content in content blocks, nodes, or other entities.
  • Custom block creation directly in the Structure section of the admin interface, with the ability to review and roll back block content revisions.